[Rehearsal] was so easy! I could record from wherever I was and get feedback right away.
— Victoria Allen, Financial Representative
Modern Woodmen
We chose CenarioVR for its ease of authoring and the ability to rapidly prototype and develop a fully robust immersive multi-platform VR experience.
— Michael Getz, President
Illumina Interactive, Inc.
I used the Match game to increase training retention on a long training rollout and the people who played the game scored 21% better on the post test than those who didn’t.
— Amy Chapman
PPD, Inc.
Case Studies
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Scenarios Helps Trainers Build Engaging and Impactful Experiential Learning

The Scenarios game transports learners into realistic life situations to challenge them and test cause-and-effect decision-making across several conversation paths.

With this game, educators can create simple linear games to complex branching scenario paths using an array of storytelling tools (animations, videos, photography, voice-over, and text).

Each response along the story maps a positive, negative, or neutral outcome with points awarded and behavior meters triggered based on their choices.

Play this demo Scenarios game created for pharmaceutical reps using live-action video to navigate a conversation at a doctor’s office.

Role Play, Decision Making, Cause & Effect

Scenarios puts learners into realistic soft-skill situations for sales training, customer service training, negotiations, management training, etc.

Game / Questions Setup:

Virtual characters and challenges allow learners to test cause-and-effect decision-making across several conversation paths.

Instructional Designers can create complex branching scenarios by simply uploading images and/or video and typing in 3 – 4 dialogue options per discussion point.

Each answer maps to a positive, negative, or neutral outcome.


Game creator determines score for each question response.

Performance Objective Alignment:

Learning or practicing soft and situational skills.


Fast-paced, fun, and engaging

Perfect for simulations, role-playing, and situational training

A great choice for behavioral skills training (BST)

Improved Skills:

Decision-making, empathy, compassion, and judgment.

Great for:

Soft skills especially customer service, sales, and other types of human engagement.

Here are some ways you can use a Scenarios game for learner engagement and training:

Sales Training
Customer Service Training
Procedural Training
Higher Education
Safety Training
Empathy Training
Patient Care Training
Cybersecurity Training

Your Content + Our Games = Engaging Training

The Training Arcade offers a robust set of features designed for easy deployment and extensive insights.

The Training Arcade is a DIY game-authoring tool with a library of 11 training games (including the only officially licensed JEOPARDY!® and Wheel of Fortune® game for training) that can be rapidly deployed in 20 languages with any content in minutes (no coding required). This platform works seamlessly across mobile, tablet, PC, and touchscreen devices and can be used for eLearning, instructor-led training, live events, and virtual conference calls!

Games are launched as a URL and can be emailed or texted to learners, pasted into a chat during a webinar, or used for live learning with groups or individuals competing against each other for leaderboard dominance