FAQs About CenarioVR®
Your Account & Plan
CenarioVR is an easy-to-use, online authoring toolfor creating virtual reality simulations. It allows you to create engaging and intuitive interactions that make an impact. Learners can explore and participate in a captivating 360° virtual environment designed to expand their vision, promote learning, increase retention, and achieve outcomes.
CenarioVR is hosted on the web here: https://cenariovr.com/. Be sure to access the site through Chrome, Firefox, or Safari using a stable internet connection. For the best user experience, access the site via your laptop or personal computer. Mobile phone and tablet development is not supported at this time.
After you have been added into the system, anemail will be sent asking you to set up your password. Complete the steps instructed to gain access into CenarioVR.
Anyone can change their own passwords using the "Forgot Password" link on the login screen. Authorized users in an Administrator or Organizational Administrator role can change a user's password by selecting "Users" on the CenarioVR dashboard followed byclicking the ellipses (three dots ...) on the right side of the screen next to the user's name. Then choose Edit.
You can create unlimited scenarios with the Pro subscription or eLearning Brothers Authoring Suites - Platinum plan.
It depends on how you publish. Content published andhosted on external sites such as an LMS or a websitehas unlimited viewing potential. Distribution via CenarioVR will be dependent upon the plan you purchase.
Yes. Your data is backed up nightly, in an encrypted, compressed form.
YES! We even have a CenarioVR object type in Lectora.
Absolutely! eLearning Brothers is proud to support academic and military organizations with the best eLearning software on the market. Reach out to your eLearning Brothers Account Representative if you have any questions.
Viewing & Sharing
Content published to CenarioVR allows you to view it either on the web, on a mobile device, or on various headsets. There are also native CenarioVR apps forthe following devices:
Samsung Gear VR
Oculus Go
Oculus Quest –see note below
Oculus Rift/Rift S
HTC ViveFocus
HTC Vive/VivePro – on the VivePort store, not the Steam store
Pico Neo
Pico G2/G24K
Note: Oculus does not allow Enterprise Apps on the Quest store. To install the CenarioVR app on Quest itwill need to be sideloaded, or you need to utilize the Oculus for Business Platform (https://business.oculus.com/), which is the Oculus supported way of using Enterprise Apps on the Quest.Instructions for how to sideload for the Quest can be found here. For all of the device types (except Quest), there is a free CenarioVR App on the store for the device. Justgo to the store for the device, download the app, and log in using either an author or student ID. A studentwill only see content that is assigned to them, and public content if that is enabled for their organization. An author will also see assigned and public content, but will additionally have a tab for “My Scenarios” which will have any scenarios that the author has published. Scenarios under “My Scenarios” do not generate xAPI statements and won’t gather analytics,giving you a chance to test your output before distributing to students.
If the content has been published publicly the scenario will be visible on the Public Scenarios tab. Assigned content appears in the Assigned Scenario tab.
Yes. Any scenario can be shared with another author in your organization. This feature is only available on certain plans. Please refer to our Plans and reach out to your eLearning Brothers Account Representative if you have any questions.
Yes. Public content is open to the general public and can be viewed at any time, even on the CenarioVR mobile app. Private content is available only via invitation to assigned viewers.
Getting Started & Specs
CenarioVR supports the use of MP4 video, MP3 audio, PNG, JPG, SVG, GLB, and non-animated GIFimages.
An equirectangular image is the term used to describe a spherical image that has been made into a flat object. An example would be a world map or 3D projection of a 360 degree viewpoint.
Yes. CenarioVR supports 4K video upload.
Always capture your source material in 4K resolution or higher. Remember that 4K resolution is split between multiple lenses and spread over a full 360 degrees, so 4K images and video only give you HD ineach hemisphere. If the resulting video is too large orrequires too much bandwidth (see the compression section below), you can always lower the resolution to HD if the subject matter does not need it (but you can’tgo the other way).
360 degree video and images can be gathered or captured in a variety of different ways. Common examples include renting or purchasing a 360 degree camera, downloading stock options from a website, or contracting a third party to shoot and produce the videos or images.
To create a scenario from scratch, you must upload at least one 360 degree video in MP4 format or an equirectangular image that's either PNG or JPG. Be sure to check out our CenarioVR Resources for acomplete list of all the articles and videos regarding CenarioVR.
Publishing to CenarioVR Live and Mobile gives learners access to your scenario on the mobile app. You can also publish to HTML5 for website hosting. Or send it to xAPI, CMI5, or SCORM for hosting on a Learning Management System or Learning Record Store.
Grading questions within CenarioVR is automatic. When publishing, you also have the optionto include or not include a score. When publishing to SCORM, the package includes the necessary information to “complete” and score a scenario.
Depending on your plan you'll have access to the Analytics dashboard. Analytics can either be seen froma scenario or learner perspective. Data points include:
Average amount of time spent
Individual time spent
Average interactions
Individual interactions
Individual scores