FAQs About the Asset Library

Each subscribed user gets 25 downloads per month from our Premium stock image library and unlimited downloads from our Standard stock image library. Premium quota resets to 25 every month.
The library is designed to download templates as you need them. “Stock piling” templates or stock assets is prohibited. We encourage you to download and save templates and images on an as-needed basis.
Each designer/developer that will be using any templates and assets to build content needs to be have a “seat” in the subscription.
You can download as many templates as you’d like during the year. By default, there is a daily limit of 30 downloads which can be reset if necessary.
Yes. You can use our templates to build courses that you sell. You can’t resell our templates as “templates.” They must be populated with content and be integrated into your project.
We do not. However, we feel strongly that you will have a great experience with our products. If you have any questions, or require assistance, please reach out to a product specialist to optimize your time during the subscription.
The same price as this year.
We offer the same great, low pricing for all customers.
Short answer, no. Long answer, give us a call and let’s talk about it!
When you purchase, your subscription includes a license to use our templates. You can use those templates to build as many training courses as you like. We ask that you download our templates on an “as needed” basis, as “stock piling” templates is prohibited. Please view all of the details on our Terms of Use page.
No, but we won’t stop you if you would like to. The love is appreciated.
There are multiple ways to get to the ELB Learning Library website where you can log in to access your content:Go directly to the Library home page and click on the “Login” button at the top right (screenshot).Visit the Member Dashboard (screenshot) to log into your account. From here you can access and launch each product library from the list of subscriptions in your “Libraries” tab or by using the main navigation across the top (screenshot).From the ELB Learning home page you can click on the “Log In” button at the top right of the page (screenshot). This will take you to the Library home page. Here, you will follow step #1 above.
We are flexible. There are several options including all major credit cards, Paypal, we can place phone orders, you can request an invoice, we accept wire payments, or electronic money requests. If you have any other questions about payments, please contact our business development team for details.
Go to the Member Dashboard. You will be taken to a log in screen where you will need to click on the option “Or log in with my email” (screenshot). This will take you to the email login screen where you can then click “Forgot password?” (screenshot). You will then be prompted to enter the email used on your account. Type in your email and click “Send” (screenshot). You should then receive an email with a link to reset your password (screenshot). Type in and confirm your new password and click “Update” (screenshot).