Millions of assets. Unlimited possibilities.
Creating visually awesome courses just got easier. Everything you need, right at your fingertips.
Cutout People
Games & Quizzes
Stock Photos
Stock Videos
Stock Audio & Sound FX
xAPI Templates
Responsive Templates
PowerPoint Templates & Graphics
Over 160 million assets. See what’s included.
eLearning Template Library
3,500+ eLearning templates including interactions, games, scenarios, quizzes, layouts, and more.

Why choose the ELB Learning Asset Library?
Every detail, from xAPI to accessibility to responsive design, is considered by our pro designers to ensure your content looks and functions like a top-notch course.
You get the source files, which means you can customize anything to fit your needs. Icons are editable and cutout people come with transparent backgrounds.
With 160 million assets, you’re sure to find the background image, 360-degree video clip, or game module you need. Plus templates are available for all the major authoring tools.