Stock Assets
Access millions of images, vector graphics, video clips, audio loops, and more.
Boring eLearning has no place in your training program. Create more engaging content with stock photos, sound effects, and video. Whatever image you need, you’ll find it among our more than 160 million stock images and vectors.
With a stock asset library this big, you’ll never need to shell out for custom photoshoots and image editing. And you don’t need to worry about copyright laws—all these images are royalty-free.
Save yourself time, money, and stress by using our Stock Asset Library.
160+ Million Stock Assets

Vector Graphics & Illustrations
Vector graphics can be scaled in size without losing image quality. You can also easily edit them to change colors and adjust the shape.
Set the scene with stock backgrounds, lifestyle shots, and more. Photos are a great way to make your eLearning more realistic.
Background Music Loops
Find the perfect tunes for your course. Our selection of royalty-free music and audio loops will get your learners rocking.
Sound FX
Boom, clash, bang, and more. Whether you need sound effects for a gamified course or an immersive video, you’ll find the perfect finishing touches here.
Get high-quality footage with no hassle, including 360-degree video for immersive learning and virtual reality projects. Video adds tons of interest to a learning experience.
Motion Graphics
Customize After Effects files to create a truly dynamic course that gets—and keeps—your learner’s attention. Just add your content, or customize further.

Creative uses for Stock Assets in eLearning.
Once you’ve created your PowerPoint masterpiece, you can export the files to use in almost anything—including your favorite eLearning authoring tool!

You can create a realistic simulation of your learners’ work environments with the right stock photos and cutout people.

Liven up compliance or regulatory training with animated video intros, sound effects, and engaging photos.

Stock Images & Vector Graphics
Get 25 monthly downloads from our Premium Stock Image library, plus unlimited downloads from our Standard Stock Image library.

Stock Video
Choose from thousands of stock video files including footage, motion backgrounds, & After Effects templates.
After Effects Templates

Stock Audio
Rock out with stock audio at your fingertips—browse thousands of music, loops, & sound FX files.
Sound FX