FAQs About The Training Arcade®

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Training Games & Gamification Platform All-in-One
I used the Match game to increase training retention on a long training rollout and the people who played the game scored 21% better on the post test than those who didn’t.
— Amy Chapman
PPD, Inc.
Common Uses
The sky’s the limit. Subscribers use The Training Arcade to build training and reinforcement games focused on new-employee onboarding, sales and product training, leadership development, safety, security, compliance, systems/ processes, customer service, and many other training topics.
Most subscribers utilize The Training Arcade games for eLearning/mLearning (mobile learning), Instructor-Led Training (ILT), and live events.
Games play an important role within the learning and development curriculum by providing learners a place to actively and passionately engage in training material. The intellectual and emotional wrestling that occurs when playing a game is the space where learning occurs and knowledge is driven into long-term memory for future retrieval at the right time and place.
The 11 game types in The Training Arcade® allow the educator to employ a wide range of visual and auditory assets to make the training games fun, exciting, and relevant to their employees’ job performance. Game creators can customize their games with images, videos, and audio clips to optimally enhance the game content with the course material and the learner's needs.
The underlying physical mechanics required to play a game, such as watching, listening, and keyboarding, present the educator with the opportunity to tap a wide range of learning modalities and even simulate the very senses and actions used on the job, such as customer service representative who needs to listen to an irate customer.
The 11 game types also enable the instructor to match the right game mechanics with the learning objectives of the course with which it is associated. A course focused on showing good judgment under stress is more appropriate for our Scenarios game type vs the “know it or not” game mechanic of Jump.
The variety of game types also permits the game creator to select the one that best matches the employee demographics. A millennial audience of learners who work primarily on the road and have very short amounts of time for learning might best be served with a five-minute Jump game type vs a fifteen-minute JEOPARDY! game.
While we provide a wide variety of game types and content to match the goals of the learning experience and the learner, there are inherent limitations created by the very engaging nature of games. If a learner is visually impaired, can they see and control the Jump character or move tiles around in Sort-It; or, if a learner is hard of hearing, are they hearing the different sounds in Recall?
Currently, we advise our subscribers to create multiple versions of games with the same content presented in different formats and to allow the player to select the one they wish to play. For example, the questions and answers given in a Jump game which contains audio clips and video assets could be presented in a Jump game with pure images and text.
We are actively integrating better accessibility features in all our games, including adding text to speech, screen reader enablement, tab through select, audio cues, multiple game color schemes, new game types where time is not a factor and support of device zoom functionality.
Getting Started
Below is a list of multimedia file types that can be uploaded into The Training Arcade:
- Image: JPEG or PNG
- Audio: MP3
- Video: MP4 (20MB limit) or link to any URL
The Training Arcade allows anyone to create a game in under 30 minutes (no coding required). This game builder is remarkably intuitive and can be managed with drop downs, uploads, and type-in fields. Below are the steps required to create a game:
- Choose your basic game information
- Define global game settings
- Identify SSO integration, user registration, and leaderboard display
- Pick from visual templates and audio tracks
- Customize splash screen with logo, title, images, etc.
- Write pop-up information to provide players with context before they play the game
- Start adding questions (choosing from 5 types), uploading media, identifying right/wrong answers, and writing corrective feedback
- Translate game into 17 other languages
- Publish game with an easy-to-share URL
Languages & Branding
The Training Arcade games are currently available in:
- English (US)
- English (UK)
- Spanish
- French
- German
- Greek
- Italian
- Russian
- Turkish
- Portuguese
- Traditional Chinese
- Simplified Chinese
- Korean
- Japanese
- Indonesian
- Thai (Match Game only)
- Hindi
- More coming in the future
Yes, we can accommodate basic changes, such as color, font. For more complex changes, such as icon/character updates, alternative button shapes, additional sound fx, additional music tracks, and custom branding please contact sales to confirm rates.
Assessments & Leaderboards
In JEOPARDY!® and Scenarios yes. Point values don’t exist in the other games.
- Training is useless without analytics. Simply checking a box or using a five-question assessment at the end of a course isn’t effective. Trainers who want to improve knowledge and optimize behavior must engage their audience throughout the training with games and activities to (1) provide a practice playground and (2) deliver a comprehensive analysis.
- The Training Arcade® analytics dashboard is engineered to unveil patterns of individual and group engagement with your material, thereby improving your training ROI by revealing knowledge gaps, personality behaviors, and group comparisons.
- View and sort topline data including the number of users, scores, rank, sessions, session duration, % of questions correct/incorrect, and total questions answered.
- Analyze individual outcomes by looking at all sessions played, how each player answered each question by session, how many attempts it took them before answering a question correctly, and identify insights into knowledge acquisition and retention.
- Review macro trends for each question including time required to answer, the number of times players have attempted to answer, and the % of time players have answered correctly/incorrectly.
- Dig deeper into each answer to identify any misperceptions.
- Sort data by date for comparison purposes and export as a CSV file to share with stakeholders.
Technically, yes; but it requires a manual process and can be done for an additional fee. The best option is to use the date range feature so you can see the leaderboard just from the day or week you’re trying to see.
When learners receive corrective feedback right away they are more likely to remember that feedback later on. So, The Training Arcade makes it easy to give (or get) immediate feedback. For best results, we encourage you to provide feedback for both correct and incorrect answers, adding useful context to each of your points.
Yes, you can download the assessment data using date ranges from your analytics dashboard to a .csv file and easily import that into Excel.
Both JEOPARDY!® and Trivia have a live VILT (Virtual Instructor-Led Training) version that allows players to compete with one another in real-time.
Yes, but an additional cost will be involved.
The Training Arcade includes 6 Questions Types (not all games have every question types):
- Multiple choice: the user selects a single correct answer from a selection.
- Multi-select: the user must select all of the correct answers from incorrect answers.
- Image select: multiple select, but with pictures
- Text Input: the user must type in the correct answer (it’s not case sensitive and you can add multiple spelling variations).
- Polling: you can create a Poll to understand which options are the most popular.
- Info Card: you can add text, videos, and pictures. This is a versatile “question type” which can serve many purposes.
The Training Arcade games can all be published as SCORM 2004: 3rd Edition and SCORM 1.2 packages for easy integration into the majority of LMS.
The short answer is no. Instead, when a game is embedded as a web object in a course, you would want to enable registration in The Training Arcade game builder so your users can quickly register at the start of the game. We are working on a single sign-on that would handle registration automatically.
You can integrate The Training Arcade into PowerPoint, Storyline, Captivate, Lectora, and other eLearning authoring tools as a web object.
Subscription Information
Each game type license allows you to create unlimited game instances of that game type, all with different content.
No, you can only publish games as a part of an internal training program or for a client using it for a specific training program.
Since The Training Arcade games are web-based games hosted by The Game Agency (TGA), we can’t do perpetual licensing. However, we can work with you to create a custom deal where you can host the game yourself.
Yes, it’s one. That way, all the games created by that person and the assessments are kept confidential to that one person, who we call the Administrator. We do offer great discounts for companies that purchase multiple subscriptions. Contact us for a quote.
During your subscription term you will have access to:
- The game authoring tool
- All games that you create
- The analytics dashboard with the individual and group assessments
- Leaderboards
If you do not keep your subscription live, then you’ll lose the ability to edit the games and view analytics and leaderboard information. The games will remain live, however.
Your subscription is paid through ELB Learning.
Absolutely. You can sign up for a free trial or request a demo anytime.
Each subscription has a yearly license fee for one game type (ex. Jump, Match, Scramble, etc) per creator. Each game type license allows you to create unlimited games of that game type, all with different content. So if you buy a yearly license of the Jump game for your lead developer, he or she can create as many Jump games with different questions as he or she wants. And your whole company can play all those Jump games as often as they want!
Hosting & Security
Our system is being used by 75+ global companies including high-compliance industries like pharma and financial. We conduct dynamic and static scans of our code and environments as well as third party penetration testing on a regular basis to make sure high-level security is always maintained.
We’ve created a single sign-on service that enables you to access The Training Arcade directly through the ELB Learning platform.
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