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Export Office Lists and View "Enrolled By" Columns

Administrators can easily track the number of active learners in each Office and see who’s been enrolling learners.

Engagement is an important metric to consider when deciding if a training program is effective; if learners are not engaging with the training, they are likely not retaining the information. The Rockstar Learning Platform’s ability to export usage data for each Office and track learner enrollment gives important insights across multiple offices.

Quickly View Information About Each Office in an Enterprise

For companies with multiple offices or groups that are selling access to training content on their platform, it is important to know which Offices are selling content and when those Offices are set to expire (see Office Settings). The new exportable Office list shows each Office's names and abbreviations, when they expire, their maximum number of users, and the number of active users.

For more information on exporting Office lists, visit Office Settings.

Know Which Administrators are Enrolling Learners

The new “Enrolled by” column appears in every enrollment report and shows who enrolled each learner and when that learner was enrolled.

For more information on the “Enrolled by” column, visit Track which Content Learners have Completed with Enrollment Completion Reports.

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