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Accelerate Content Creation with The New AI Course Wizard!

Crank out a rough draft of course content in 3 easy steps.

Accelerate Content Creation with The New AI Course Wizard!

Forget Writer’s Block! Lectora® gives you a head start.

Crank out a rough draft of course content in 3 easy steps.

Get the Ultimate Head Start!

Step 1:

Type in Your Topic

Step 2:

Choose Your Theme

Step 3:

Generate and Go!

Unblock Writer’s Block!

Editing generated copy is easier and faster than creating a course from scratch. Lectora® Online's AI Course Wizard gets you started before YOU add YOUR magic touch. Crank it out, revise, and adjust.

Using Lectora® Desktop? No problem.

Use the AI Course Wizard in Lectora® Online and transfer the generated project to Lectora Desktop.



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